Thursday, November 20, 2008

News from the Youth Leadership weekend - Sonia

......Hello my name is Sonia and I am on an amnesty Youth group weekend in Donegal, I am really enjoying my time I have spent here so far.

We arrived here on Friday night at 8 o'clock and were very tired because of all the travelling we had done that day.
Even though everyone was exhausted they were all still very talkative and friendly, I came here with my friend Shannon because we were chosen to represent our school which is Drumragh integrated college in Omagh , because there was just the two of us we were nervous abut feeling left out from everyone else but we soon made friends with everyone because of the ice breaker exercises we did on the Friday night.

Today which is the Saturday was very exciting because Kate and Mark from Balor Arts Centre in Donegal came in to do some drama exercises which involved the issues which we learn about in our amnesty groups such as violence against women, the death penalty and Guantanamo Bay, it was very useful and effective a it showed us different possible actions we could take to help some of these problems.

I am enjoying myself and I hope to get different ideas from other Amnesty youth groups of what I cold bring back to my group and hopefully build up a link with other schools and youth groups from both the North and South of Ireland.


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